Friday, July 29, 2011

Making the choice to develop soul consciousness

The situation
Frequently, even if we are undertaking an important task, our consciousness becomes dull because our intellect is disrupted by negative thoughts about ourselves and about others. This type of internal environment in our heart and mind pollutes the purpose of our task and makes it seem so mundane: it takes on no significance within us.

And so, that which was to be undertaken in a beautiful way becomes ordinary: quantity surpasses quality. ‘Action consciousness’ begins to take over. That is, we simply go through the motions required for us to finish a task quickly and haphazardly: it therefore loses its meaning within us.

In other words, despite the fact that we are focused on the action we wish to undertake, the result of our efforts is left lacking something. Isn’t that peculiar?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Love from the heart

Love from the heart gives to the soul the power of determination.
Love from the heart brings contentment even when there is not an external achievement. Not to depend on external achievements will give the soul stability and great liberation.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Escaping ... Part C'

Growing up a child will observe the ways in which adults invent numerous forms of ‘rejuvenation’ and ‘escape’ from the daily grind….Sooner or later however these pleasant pastimes prove themselves to be ways of avoiding truth and become a source of new addictions…..

Other people

Many people utilize others in their search for fulfillment….