Monday, December 27, 2010

In action... Part A'

Action & re-action
Visualize you are throwing a stone into a lake... its tranquil surface reacts with ripples which reach the shore and reflect back towards the central point.

Whatever happens within the physical sphere has an effect. This is its is the game we are here for. An event, a choice I make, everything influences the whole. But what is an 'event'? Is it only what we see on the news or what is recorded by the historians?

Incognito action...
We all emanate energy continuously... even by being 'inactive'! We produce thoughts and feelings which in turn create vibrations in the surrounding atmosphere and finally affect all of us and everything. This activity may be subtle and cannot be seen by naked eye, but still it is an activity; so... it has an effect!
Our inner attitude (consciousness) as the seed of our thoughts and feelings, create subtle vibrations that influence the attitude of the people around us... out thoughts and feelings as actions (though subtle) have an inevitable effect in the thoughts and feelings of everyone.

The ripples return back to their starting point...
The energy of consciousness that we send out bounces back to us when it reaches some boundaries (i.e other people)... the law of action and reaction (law of karma) does not make exceptions. The 'not so positive' energy that others may send us, is not 'something new' for us... is it? It is the very same energy that we've already sent out at some point in the past... whether to them personally or indirectly...   

Positive ripples
Let us experiment a bit... Let's try sending out energy of respect to others and then feel this energy circulating and coming back to us. Our positive inner position creates energy that is more powerful than the negative energy... this is why when we are in a bad mood we cannot even stand our own company......whereas when we feel good about ourself then this harmony brings us closer to others, automatically.
Radiating positive energy is like an invisible shield that protects us from feeling hurt or insulted.
The inner attitude of selfishness however is like a stone in our lake of peace; it leaves us vulnerable in the ripples of criticism, insult and defamation that bounce back to us. If selfishness could only let go of the reins of our inner world, negativity would not then touch us...
...ripples of a 'different' type
Yes, but.. nearly everyone has a certain amount of how can we experiment in sending out the energy of pure love and respect ? We live in a world where negativity is becoming more and more prominent... where can I find this pure selfless inner state?
Deep within me? But even within me, I have totally forgotten how to feel beyond selfishness... relaxation and peace cannot change my character...
...where can I direct my awareness so as to be positively influenced and remember my pure state?

 To be continued...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who is forming me ?

Forming externally...
Let us observe how many things we do depend on how others see us: our wife or husband, our children, parents, boss, colleagues etc. Imagine all these people in the same room as us... how would will we really feel?

From 0 to 100 what percentage of coolness would you feel? The remaining percentage belongs to Mr. Fear which is the 'beloved' son of Mrs Attachment.   
What do we mean by attachment... We imagine how the others see us and our whole life is filtered through their eyes and hearts and so we forge a character of which they can be proud and satisfied... according to how the perceive us being 'one of them'.
...and then there comes a day ... and within only a moment you say: "What a shame... and I did so much for you...". And then, after 3 days you say "OK I forgive you... it's ok... let's forget it" . But again after 10 days the same story and life goes on between the two extremes: of pity and anger...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Observer and... actor

Finding and keeping our balance
We have the inner ability to observe or to become involved with others whenever we want. We balance between our roles as observers and as participants. We play our role either in the audience or as actors on the field of action.
Very often we are so drawn by the roles of others that we are sucked into their emotional dramas. We get so caught up in the 'play' that we loose the valuable distance. 
It is at this point that the creation of our life slips out of our hands... this habit exhausts us by wasting valuable spiritual energy... how do we know this? Let me be introspective... I have a loss of concentration and control of my thoughts. I am disconnected from my inner peace, I forget my true nature and I make mistakes. Then we search again to reach this inner state of truth, because nothing true is ever lost...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Stability amidst turmoil

We often use the words 'difficult' or 'turmoil' for situations that happen 'out there'. How objective is this judgment? Two persons may be facing the same situation and the one feels that 'nothing's new' while the other feels that it is very negative... So is the situation negative or are we negative...?

When we face negative situations our mind is the first to get influenced. The screen of our mind is getting filled with question marks and chaotic thoughts and soon we feel unstable... We cannot control our inner energy and thus it becomes destructive: thoughts and feelings, our invaluable inner resources are being wasted without our realizing...
Happiness seems so far away...
...because of this inner turmoil we forget that the reins still remain in our hands and that we can still transform our inner state. So we miss the chance and negativity overpowers us...  

Friday, November 5, 2010

The self, unplugged...

We tend to focus on what is negative in order to improve a situation; we get so concerned about someone's negative characteristics or the obstacles of a situation. Our thoughts are coloured by our concerns. Thus all of our spiritual and finally our physical resources go wasted...

While it is easy to investigate and talk about what other people should do to change themselves and their behaviour, it is also important to see what one can do to bring about a change in oneself.
What to look for in oneself?
We need to have the pure desire to keep changing ourselves. With this awareness, effort is put in continuously to change old unwanted patterns of behaviour by consciously replacing them with true values. 
Values are related to each other as if they were members of a great family. For the one who is committed to one value is the one who is able to emerge the other connected values. Such a person is able to add quality to everything he does and speaks.
When I am introverted I am able to recognise my own special value and use it with commitment in my daily life, I am able to experience success in all I do. This is because I have the commitment of giving my best and of having added quality to everything I do; and... here comes contentment!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The mythology of love

Sometimes we do find ourselves in situations where others are not responding to the love we are giving. Our feelings seem to hit a rock or a wall and don't bounce back as respect and understanding.
Having the habit of 'give and take' deep instilled in our consciousness, the absence of any feedback leaves us insecure and ... we decide to go to other side of complaining and blaming; the side of instant or long-term hate: "Am I not worth it?..." "you are supposed to..." "you had to..." "I have the right..." "you show no respect...  you have become a bit senseless these days..."
True respect and true love are both very elevated states of consciousness and cannot be achieved in any external way. It is impossible to pursue or inspire someone's respect even if this someone is your self... you may achieve it but it won't last for long. On the other hand a high state of consciousness is not something out of reach... this is our eternal right and not the forced respect from others.
We need to experience a shift of consciousness inside our selves first if we want to see it around us.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The habit of fear

In our way to completeness, we sometimes live with fear which sometimes may be obvious and other times it remains well hidden behind innocent and quite logical expressions… words that repeat, such as: 'right' 'unfair' 'all' 'them' 'noone' 'honestly' 'always' 'never' 'realistically', are used when we want to avoid our responsibility, so we say something while we mean and feel something else.

The expressions that follow may be appropriate, true and fair enough when we are using them with honesty, but our fear-based motives hide many times what we really mean.
Fortunately for us and for the others around us, life is destined to uncover and expose our fears in a very natural way…life is destined to expose them to the light.

Type of Fears and the Expressions we use

Fear of the unknown
"let's be sensible... many things can happen… look what happened to Michael..." " takes time" ....."we must plan everything well  and be very thorough... otherwise everything will  just be up in the air...", "I don't function that way"

Fear of solitude
"we all need someone...", "I can't leave her, we've been through so many things...",
"a relationship is something that is alive, every real relationship has some tension; it's normal; let us be realistic"
Thus we sustain relationships based on fear of losing and we end up filling ourselves with possessiveness, codependency and finally with sorrow...:
"...which is something normal and it sometimes makes things interesting..." we admit many times to our friends...

Fear of 'others' or of cooperation with others
"they are not fond of me; I'm sure... you should see how they were looking at me the other day..."
"it's always more effective to cooperate with one person, maximum..." "I'm more effective when I'm on my own..."

Monday, August 30, 2010

getting impressed... getting depressed

Getting impressed. Is it beneficial?
If we want to sustain our self-respect then our intellect needs our special care. The intellect is such a sensitive filter of the soul, that emotions can blind it. When  the intellect(often referred to as the third eye),  is blinded we start over-estimating or under-estimating others or situations: see illusion.

And if words seem to impress us easily then it's words that will hurt us very easily...
}Whatever impresses or depresses us, influences  and even moulds our awareness at that moment. We lose the invaluable ability to create our own thoughts and feelings and these are influenced by the impression that we have allowed the other person to leave on the sensitive film of our heart.

Sometimes the impression or depression is such that we completely give ourselves over to it. We give up our power to others, and we allow them to dominate our emotional world; we become emotional hostages.  The results of allowing oneself to be impressed are varied and on different levels.

For example, when we are impressed by the other's position; it is fine to respect the authority and the position of the other, but when we allow their position to impress us, our ability to relate to the person in a subtle way is blocked. This can make it difficult for us to be an authority in our own life it's easy to understand that disappointment would naturally follow

Another example is when we are impressed by the achievements of the other and put them on a pedestal… so that they become unreachable. We compare ourselves to him or her and have weak thoughts of ourselves, such as  we are not as good or effective as them, or we might feel jealousy or guilt. All of this acts as an obstacle on the path towards our own achievement.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Creative stress (?)

The Mythology of Stress (cont.)

There are some myths about stress that hide the real inner work that has to be done:

Myth ΙΙ:
"Small quantities of stress have been proved beneficial because they boost our creativity "

Truth: At present stress (fear of failure) and other emotions have coloured the soul to such an extent that we have forgotten how it is to feel our natural feelings. While intoxication or alertness by chemical means are in fact desensitization (alcohol, nicotine, drugs) and toxic shock (caffeine), they have entered our culture as bliss and refreshment in the same way that fear and worry have become motivation for creativity and interrest.   
}It is a illusion that stress, or putting pressure on people, is necessary to get things done. Why?
Because when fear (emotional pain) is invoked and used as a motivator, it always results in a drainage of emotional and spiritual energy, which eventually can lead to physical disease.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Time for the right…diet

When we are faced with a difficult situation we might try to make our mind positive at that time, but we usually find it very difficult to do so…and it really is! Then a mantra "it's hard, it's hard…" conquers the mind and becomes a thought-pattern. Our focus goes to our own or others' defects and weaknesses which then grow stronger inside us. Our vision towards life becomes limited and hopeless… we often call this "realism"

When our intellect is pulled by something, we become the embodiment of it… just like the soul enters the body and gives it life, in the same way when we tune into a defect we bring it to life: it's like a mask which covers our face that others notice immediately. We may deny it because we are sometimes unaware of it or we may label it as something else… "me angry?…nooo, it's just the tone of my voice…". Our reaction to the situation is a signal that our intellect is getting weaker because… it is not getting the right nourishment

In order to overcome our weaknesses we need to feed our intellect with light and might. Then the power that we want at that time will emerge naturally during our daily… 'test papers'. By feeding our intellect, the home of our consciousness, not just with positive thoughts but also with experiences of truth, it will help us be the embodiment of power at the time of need… automatically. Like a master we'll be able to evoke our inner powers and be free from 'trying' to change negative into positive.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pleasure or happiness?

Anger enters when real Contentment goes away...
When we don't get what we want or others won't do what we expect them to do, we become disappointed and we are afraid that…
When contentment is not present we've developed some acquired behaviours for achieving it… one of these is anger. It is not however the natural state of a soul because no one really wants to be angry and this is  why afterwards we regret it but ,we just unconsciously let ourselves go down the easy way; the easy way of external projection of everything that is missing inside… thus we miss happiness…
So, trying to do away with anger without actually knowing the real reason for it doesn't work.

}Have you ever heard anyone saying: "Well I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks… I'm really looking forward to quarrelling with everyone…(?) "

The moment we feel the attraction of anger for someone or something, it is the right moment (?) for our spiritual evolution , the gateway to a new and beautiful part of our self is being unlocked !

It's the time to draw new curves into my character...

..let me check the real reason for my anger…the truth always lies deeper than the superficial triggers… true reasons are always less obvious than the many forms of the external triggering situations or people... thus I get deceived.

...yes , it’s true they were late again but why do I hold on  to my expectations… yes ,it is yet another occasion where they haven’t shown  respect for my time but why do I keep demanding  that other people understand what "time management is"… yes, again I'm angry with myself but maybe I'm too demanding by expecting to control my anger from the very first anger "management" workshop…!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

exhaustion or ...inner change

The Mythology of Stress

There are some myths about stress that prevent us from liberally accessing our resources of true peace:

"A change in diet, some exercise and a good break from work will lower your stress levels"

Truths: A change in diet, exercise and a holiday can temporarily ease the symptoms of your stress but they cannot cure you.
A proper diet and physical exercise are some of the basics for our well-being but not … our liberators from stress… Nowadays in every local park you will find thousands of track-suited runners, faces lined in pain, sweat pouring out of breathless bodies, all in the name of balance and relaxation.
…and "peace" is achieved, because after two miles they are absolutely exhausted. Peace is not exhaustion or fatigue. It is the ability to quite your mind anywhere, anytime, and know that your body will follow...

}Peace is eternal, which means is an intrinsic feeling of the soul, is a true feeling and as such it cannot come from something external; we cannot have artificial peace. Fortunately we can connect with peace through the power of our thought and thus dive into the Ocean of Peace.

Going on holiday in the 21st century may still be an adventure; it is still a change of scene, people, food and climate. And change can still (sometimes) be as good as a rest. But really deep down you know that you don't need to go anywhere to rest, relax your mind and replenish your heart.

}You know that wherever you go, you will still be with yourself when you arrive. And what you think, feel and do there is likely to be exactly what you think, feel and do wherever you are now. So your 365day thinking and feeling is what you need to change… we need to transform our self.

Monday, July 12, 2010

observer or ...absorber

Before I reactively deny it, let me observe deep within if the opinion I have about myself is based on what others see or believe about me and especially the important ones for me.
We usually find our thoughts being swayed by whatever we hear from others about us. The moment I stop observing and start reacting to what they say, I feel the look in my eyes changing… it is a sign that my heart has started believing all those things. It is a sign that I've lost the seat of being the detached observer and I have become the…absorber.
In a short time I have adopted a foreign opinion about myself…

...independently of how many foreign views I have adopted about myself there's one that exists within me eternally and is the true one.  And if I have forgotten how is it to believe in the self and in this little inner voice that guides me, it doesn't matter … this voice hasn't forgotten me. It remains and waits for me to remember it. Because it is the only thing within me that is eternal, it is imperishable; all other things are artificial constructions of the human mind, "approaches" or "analyses" or "ideas" and as every artificial thing… they have an expiry date.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

60' empty seats for my happiness

We usually allow time to change us. We live in time consciousness which means that our consciousness is limited by time constraints… We wait for time to change a situation or bring us understanding and experience…
Then a mantra conquers the mind… "when that happens then I'm going to do what  is to be done… or then I will feel peace, happiness…" . To wait time in this way is like limiting myself …

We need to free ourselves from the influence of time… and this is just one thought away! When I remind myself that I'm the creator of time and time is my creation, then time becomes a painting where my consiousness is the background, my thoughts and feelings are its colours and my actions the paintbrush… With an awareness like this I allow myself to change and to evolve…I can't either wait for my painting to change just by itself or wait for others to finish their paintings… Do I wait for deadlines and  the last moment to create my life…? 

Exercise in silence
One of the most appropriate moments for experiencing timeas my creation is early in the morning…

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The light of dawn always comes right after the deepest darkness

When things seem to go wrong or not exactly as we've planned, we feel that the situation colours us. Our enthusiasm dries up and we unconsciously start painting our thoughts with the colour of the situation; everything seems dark and gloomy and we see no light at the end of the tunnel…

}We keep recycling with perfect concentration all the negativity that even the best yogis & yoginis  would be jealous of :
Not even one
luminous thought can enter our dark “meditation"... We would even be able to convince everyone in our meditation class that "it's impossible for me to concentrate… it's so difficult… it’s my nature…I’ve always been like this … it's in my genes…"  

Luckily concentration, along with other spiritual powers, is absolutely natural for all souls and we don't need to learn how to do it...
"Techniques" or "tricks" can take us only so far…   honest exploration and love for what I concentrate on are enough... 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The universal school : relationships

It is only through our relationships that we can truly know ourselves. Every relationship is another photograph of who we are taken from a different angle
}It is not necessary however to confuse myself with the belief that other people are my mirror, nor do I need to see myself through anyone else's eyes or existence.? Appearances can be very deceptive, and each one has their own path and sees things in their own way.

 A relationship is the mirror and I choose to focus the lens of my consciousness on how I feel and on how I relate through it... my concerns and care are focused on how I respond and on what I radiate internally and externally…

What we send out on the wavelength of our thoughts, feelings and attitude is what we give to ourselves now, and will come back to us in the end from others, tomorrow.

} Our relationships are our real workshops, the real classroom and laboratory of life... they reflect our true progress.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My self-respect and my... audience

Self-respect is the experience of my internal goodness and beauty…
…without an audience 

Sometimes when we contribute positively to a situation we have the subtle expectation of recognition and respect for what we have done… usually these are the times when we don't receive this recognition and we end up feeling disheartened; this in turn, blocks us from expressing our fullest potential…
Let me turn inside and look in the mirror of my heart… where does this disappointment originate from? The reason we feel like this lies inside… the trigger might be somewhere out there but the reason lies inside and originates from a condition we have put on our happiness: "I need someone to witness my deeds… I need a spectator to applaud my role …"

 }By shifting my consciousness within , I withdraw my attention away from the audience and bring it back to its original position : I recognize my specialities and respect them by expressing them fully… irrespective of applause

 }By returning my attention to its natural seat, my self respect returns, naturally

Exercise: Τraffic Control

Measure your self-respect during the day:

1. How do I feel by not having a witness to my existence?

2. Do I have the power to exist and to share without being seen or heard?

Use the following exercise to bring your attention to its natural point. There's no need to close your eyes, or to stop your activities...
I withdraw my attention from everything around me and I concentrate on a point, high in the centre of my forehead…just behind my eyes…this is my original position and… where my attention goes, the energy flows… "I, the soul, am the eternal observer… I am a being of light… I am a point of energy emanating my virtues… my physical body gives me the opportunity to live in space and time… but the body is not who I am… I look through these eyes and express myself through this body… I am the charioteer of this vehicle… I am a peaceful soul… I perform all  my roles with care and purity… without expectations… My true beauty lies within me and I express it peacefully …

Friday, June 25, 2010

Respecting differences

to understand that each soul is unique is to have respect

We have formed the habit of having expectations for specific results…    without taking into consideration the reality of the patterns and needs of the universe, i.e the eternal play called life and its unique actors
Thus, what we seem to want is to mould everyone according to our own value system… But this is unnatural because each one of us is wonderfully unique

We need to understand that each person is unique with their own appropriate specialities….a soul that exists in this universal play is already a unique phenomenon… and anyway, the universe functions like clockwork…, it's already perfect… When we consider the existence of others as part of this cosmic perfection, our dis-ease of having expectations diminishes and our view is refreshed through the true respect of others… We are also unique but… not the only ones…

Sunday, June 20, 2010

don't be busy just… take it easy

When things seem to go wrong or not exactly as we've planned, clouds start gathering in our mind…then the rain of negative thoughts starts along with the thunder of worry… we are unable to think naturally and so our actions are wrong…
With an eclipsed intellect our priorities lose their proper order and our focus goes to our actions…our energy flows towards our focal point…but they don't seem to improve and so disappointment creeps in to become a regular in our life…which means a characteristic feature…such a deep characteristic that we forget who brought it in, in the first place…

It needs to teach ourselves to change its way of thinking before changing our actions…thus our focal point moves automatically towards the real point of internal power…rejuvenating thoughts are then being emanated naturally even during the worst circumstances or atmosphere… Through the stable exercise of returning my vision inside, to the quality of my thoughts , I can sustain the awareness of the seed of my action and not the results; then success seems easier than I thought…
I was just too busy…

Exercise for the day... traffic control
Let me exercise switching my focus… through consistent exercising of reflection and meditation, I the soul learn to grasp the internal contrasts…like a well balanced photograph has a sharp contrast, I need to start noticing where my focus goes and how it feels, very vividly; when I act, am I my hands… or the soul that animates those hands…?
Through traffic control I learn to experience the contraststhen I can choose… i.e act

Friday, June 18, 2010

Spiritual Telephone List

Real communication is just simpler than this…

Whatever I remember I bring it into life through my consciousness...
Through my thought I bring something into life and then connection happens by drawing energy from it… a relationship starts or our yoga , with it…
The thoughts that circle around our mind are like the numbers we used to dial on the wheel of the telephone, waiting for the line to get through…

We also know that the most useful phone numbers are the shortest ones…
Let's see the spiritual telephone list...

The operator request... when the line is not clear or cannot get through and the conversations start to turn into miss-understandings … we can pause for a while and dial zero… thus the line could get clearer and our conversation lighter
And for our "internal" calls also, zero number clears out the inner misunderstandings and the mind-noise just like the reconnection to the Supreme Source of Energy… the connection with the Operator rejuvenates us and thus we can go on clearer and with enthusiasm…

The emergency call... internally! The first thing that I do when I am in danger is to thing… "I am a peaceful soul"… In our internal calls the number 1 symbolizes Peace… the eternal fundamental quality of us the souls… what ever a soul needs is based and included inside Peace…in deep Silence… even our reconnection with the Supreme Source is being established after dialing #1…

Purity in motives... To respect and honour everything in life or every life form, irrespectively to the results, without exploiting them, brings me closer to my inner peace… just before reconnecting to the unfailing source...

Love in every relationship... I care & share beyond calculations and agendas...By calling my deepest disinterestedness I tune into the eternal universal source of unconditional love...

Happiness when I express and I enjoy... comes after our refreshing dive in the sea of peace within …this sea confluents with the Ocean of Peace…

Wisdom within is when I know only what I need to know… I am … my internal book doesn't need to have many pages… only one line is enough… I am an eternal soul… a silent being of light … do I need to know more ? After connecting to this, the child-sage begins the journey to meet the wisest being of the universe...

May you travel …light

Exercise for the day
Let me observe today, what is my initial connection … in what basis do my connections and calls happen … do they include the first basic digits 0 1 2 3 4 5…? If not… let me dial Zero with my mind a little more often today…

Monday, June 14, 2010

Traffic Control

When you feel that you 've become one with the keyboard...
When you don't remember why you are doing what you are doing...
It's really time to have your Traffic Control ...

During the day we can stop from time to time and check the routes of our mind... don't be afraid … it's won't take us long… we will be back to work in no time… back to our 'boss': 'Mrs. Action'

}It's not necessary to sit on our desk in a lotus posture or even close our eyes… we don't have to stop for a long time … the important thing is the quality (depth) of our detachment from our activity... 30'' is leaves the remaining 3570'' to do whatever we were doing…

Let me remember who I really am… let me gather myself from all over the place and concentrate on the center of my forehead…let me put myself back into the right position… "I'm a peaceful being of light… a peaceful soul… I remind myself why I'm here doing all this… "

}This is not a ritual but something that will take me beyond thought and bring me into awareness...

I observe the direction of my thoughts, my words, my actions... if necessary, I redirect them or keep moving in the same direction with more clarity and focus....
I don't need to try to stop my mind, or even distract my mind with phrases that will end up being a mantra…I want to feel my true nature through deeper understanding...

This practice of remembrance is called 'traffic control'. It is a means to refresh, recharge and reorient. When we forget to stop, the traffic of the mind becomes heavy and the driving tense, tiring, stressful and irritating and our mind and nerves seem ready to explode! To prevent explosions and emotional eruptions, which ultimately destroy or damage our effectiveness, we need to relieve this pressure regularly so it doesn't accumulate.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Where does love go when we no longer feel it?

As human beings we have the capacity to connect at four levels – physical, mental, intellectual and the spiritual. "let's shake hands… you are absolutely right..."
"hey, can you believe it? I was just thinking of you!" ... 
"I understand what you are going through..." ... or in moments of high awareness: "..yes, I feel that you understand me although you totally disagree…. and I'm glad that we can get along despite our differences " ...

When loving energy is clear of external limitations, likes & dislikes, expectations, patterns, images and senses … ideas and thoughts … When this energy is clear of our own or others' emotions, then the soul breaks the barriers of attraction and repulsion and reaches the heights of spiritual love, with clarity and knowledge in the heart...

Knowledge and clarity are two essential elements of true love because it is far more than an emotion… it's an awareness, a state of consciousness of the soul … an experience beyond external stimulus.

True love comes along with the awareness that I'm a soul and I consider others to be souls also; I'm a point of living energy in the world of time & matter…rather than "a combined psychosomatic entity… or matter that needed time to develop consciousness" or "a body with a soul and me (?) "

As long as this courageous awareness stays within us, "I am a peaceful soul, I am love…", there will be a flow of love with-in and with-out me.

Actually, there's only one love… but our "filters" make it seem like many types…

The archetype of eternal love that all souls are searching for through their filters is also one…and it's constantly and eternally emerged and emitted by the purest soul in the whole universe…

…Love is not an impersonal type of energy that we just tap into... 'love is in the air' but someone should feel it in order to exist in air...

The supreme soul, our universal parent, through his/her constant "being", emanates eternal Love and he/she is love's unshakable guardian… stay tuned … although it might not be obvious, this is the Age when it is raining Love…!

…to contemplate on
1. Can a soul who doesn't have his "own" children have the experience of maternal or paternal love?
2. Is it the eyes that see or the soul? Are we limited by our eyes to feel love?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Reflection... the real "digestive" for every day-life

Reflection is an exercise of the mind and intellect that goes into the depths of understanding an idea, or realization, or point of knowledge with the aim of practicing it in daily life.

Values… in action is a sign that knowledge has been… digested; without this, knowledge simply remains a beautiful aspect, appreciated, interesting information in my intellect but without the ability to give me strength because it is still external; it has not been internalised.

spiritual power: the ability of the soul to remain unaffected by negativity... the ability of the soul to be heard by itself when it claims inside : "…alright … now… remain peaceful…" ... we all comply with the powerful ones anyway…

All quality action (quality action is that action which is truly appropriate to person, circumstance and the need of the moment), all newness of perception (understanding), all new insights, or vision, require a space for silent reflection as a preliminary step.
Normally, the known thief , Mrs. Action Nonstopson, the administrative head of the "Ritual-Routine Life-time S.A", buys our valuable awareness for hay …

… boredom, routine, new expectations, dissatisfaction and... new promises …"no doubt my friend… after this project I will be peaceful"

A mind and intellect that do not give time and attention to reflective silence (meditation) become spiritually lazy…

spiritual laziness : No new heights are reached because there is no depth of awareness in what we are doing, no reflection on purpose. Externally there may be lots of activity and creativity for hours and hours, but the soul is incapable to stabilise and tune in to its inherent peace and happiness.
The soul cannot transform a thought into experience.

…as result… we get trapped by routine.

To daily break free from this force, to relieve the mind of the weight of stress and waste and routine, I need to step inside and reflect (think) on who I am and where I am going and reassess my value system, bring it into life into the moment...

"what am I..?" "what is my true nature ?" "what are my values…? if I have forgotten them and I'm fighting against life once again… le me remember these values by emerging them right now into my awareness…... peace... purity... love... happiness... wisdom...I'm a being of light... a living point of peace... I emanate goodness and benefit…I'm love…
I'm love in motion…..."

... few seconds every hour is enough to bring me back from forgetfulness... so that I can stop the wheel of routine and start the wheel of my real happiness… it's a choice

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Alpha Point

It's not enough to think about God
It needs to concentrate on Him
Thought creates theology
Concentration creates relationship 
Relationship brings Experience1

the means and the purpose
of course thought is not the problem, on the contrary it is one of the faculties of the soul... but once the soul starts identifying with it, it's misuse begins … and every misuse takes the soul away from it's destination … which is the living relationship

the food
like the food … by itself it's not a problem but if the soul consumes inappropriate food or inappropriate quantities then that also takes it away from it's purpose ... a healthy relationship with it's body

silence and the Supreme Soul
in silence the soul leaves behind the last illusionary support which is the attachment to the mind … not to mention the … tongue
the soul chooses a thought and experiments in order to feel if it's true…
like with a good friend, too much talking is never enough in the same way with the Supreme Soul, the Purest Being of the Universe, too much thought brings us away from this Being ... it blocks the relationship , the Love

Visiting my Friend
Let me go beyond complicated exercises and methods … let me go beyond mind-games … it doesn't take to bend time to meet Him, nor to count all the atoms !...

It takes far less for me to communicate with my beloved ones ... neither is necessary to bend my self lower than Him or beg Him … a true friend would never like this … he'd like to communicate as equal … not as the same … but as equal ...

By switching the mind I'm changing swiftly my consciousness... "I am a peaceful soul..." , "I'm a spiritual being of peace…" ,"a being of light" , "my natural consciousness is the awareness that I'm a soul… this is my natural nature..." ...

Here in silence my consciousness tunes in with the Supreme Soul's eternal consciousness … "a being of light with all of its powers activated" the only soul who is constantly in Soul Consciousness… gradually I'm learning to listen to Your Heart … you are my Eternal Friend …I can absorb the power of your Love...

1From the book "Alpha Point– A Glimpse of God"
by Anthony Strano