Sunday, June 20, 2010

don't be busy just… take it easy

When things seem to go wrong or not exactly as we've planned, clouds start gathering in our mind…then the rain of negative thoughts starts along with the thunder of worry… we are unable to think naturally and so our actions are wrong…
With an eclipsed intellect our priorities lose their proper order and our focus goes to our actions…our energy flows towards our focal point…but they don't seem to improve and so disappointment creeps in to become a regular in our life…which means a characteristic feature…such a deep characteristic that we forget who brought it in, in the first place…

It needs to teach ourselves to change its way of thinking before changing our actions…thus our focal point moves automatically towards the real point of internal power…rejuvenating thoughts are then being emanated naturally even during the worst circumstances or atmosphere… Through the stable exercise of returning my vision inside, to the quality of my thoughts , I can sustain the awareness of the seed of my action and not the results; then success seems easier than I thought…
I was just too busy…

Exercise for the day... traffic control
Let me exercise switching my focus… through consistent exercising of reflection and meditation, I the soul learn to grasp the internal contrasts…like a well balanced photograph has a sharp contrast, I need to start noticing where my focus goes and how it feels, very vividly; when I act, am I my hands… or the soul that animates those hands…?
Through traffic control I learn to experience the contraststhen I can choose… i.e act