Sunday, February 5, 2012

Detached Observer

Where the intellect is free from assumptions 
the right decisions are made

As soon as we are faced with a situation we directly correlate it to some previous incident and make assumptions based on our past experiences about the situations or the people involved. Such assumptions sometimes lead us to wrong decisions.

The solution lies in detaching ourselves from our past experiences. Of course we have to learn from the experiences of our past, but we also need to be open to look at the situation in a new way. Such detachment will enable us to make the right decision.

Detachment is a special quality of the human soul. It activates the faculty of the intellect which is connected to judgment, discernment and decision making. The intellect is empowered through pause, silence, a self respecting dialogue with the self or through reflection, and thus all the clarity that is needed is released.

Today, just before a "prefabricated" thought emerges in your mind about someone or something, take a deep breath… stop , observe the "ready made" thought that comes from your memory and choose your next creation, your next thought…