Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Alpha Point

It's not enough to think about God
It needs to concentrate on Him
Thought creates theology
Concentration creates relationship 
Relationship brings Experience1

the means and the purpose
of course thought is not the problem, on the contrary it is one of the faculties of the soul... but once the soul starts identifying with it, it's misuse begins … and every misuse takes the soul away from it's destination … which is the living relationship

the food
like the food … by itself it's not a problem but if the soul consumes inappropriate food or inappropriate quantities then that also takes it away from it's purpose ... a healthy relationship with it's body

silence and the Supreme Soul
in silence the soul leaves behind the last illusionary support which is the attachment to the mind … not to mention the … tongue
the soul chooses a thought and experiments in order to feel if it's true…
like with a good friend, too much talking is never enough in the same way with the Supreme Soul, the Purest Being of the Universe, too much thought brings us away from this Being ... it blocks the relationship , the Love

Visiting my Friend
Let me go beyond complicated exercises and methods … let me go beyond mind-games … it doesn't take to bend time to meet Him, nor to count all the atoms !...

It takes far less for me to communicate with my beloved ones ... neither is necessary to bend my self lower than Him or beg Him … a true friend would never like this … he'd like to communicate as equal … not as the same … but as equal ...

By switching the mind I'm changing swiftly my consciousness... "I am a peaceful soul..." , "I'm a spiritual being of peace…" ,"a being of light" , "my natural consciousness is the awareness that I'm a soul… this is my natural nature..." ...

Here in silence my consciousness tunes in with the Supreme Soul's eternal consciousness … "a being of light with all of its powers activated" the only soul who is constantly in Soul Consciousness… gradually I'm learning to listen to Your Heart … you are my Eternal Friend …I can absorb the power of your Love...

1From the book "Alpha Point– A Glimpse of God"
by Anthony Strano