Sunday, June 27, 2010

My self-respect and my... audience

Self-respect is the experience of my internal goodness and beauty…
…without an audience 

Sometimes when we contribute positively to a situation we have the subtle expectation of recognition and respect for what we have done… usually these are the times when we don't receive this recognition and we end up feeling disheartened; this in turn, blocks us from expressing our fullest potential…
Let me turn inside and look in the mirror of my heart… where does this disappointment originate from? The reason we feel like this lies inside… the trigger might be somewhere out there but the reason lies inside and originates from a condition we have put on our happiness: "I need someone to witness my deeds… I need a spectator to applaud my role …"

 }By shifting my consciousness within , I withdraw my attention away from the audience and bring it back to its original position : I recognize my specialities and respect them by expressing them fully… irrespective of applause

 }By returning my attention to its natural seat, my self respect returns, naturally

Exercise: Τraffic Control

Measure your self-respect during the day:

1. How do I feel by not having a witness to my existence?

2. Do I have the power to exist and to share without being seen or heard?

Use the following exercise to bring your attention to its natural point. There's no need to close your eyes, or to stop your activities...
I withdraw my attention from everything around me and I concentrate on a point, high in the centre of my forehead…just behind my eyes…this is my original position and… where my attention goes, the energy flows… "I, the soul, am the eternal observer… I am a being of light… I am a point of energy emanating my virtues… my physical body gives me the opportunity to live in space and time… but the body is not who I am… I look through these eyes and express myself through this body… I am the charioteer of this vehicle… I am a peaceful soul… I perform all  my roles with care and purity… without expectations… My true beauty lies within me and I express it peacefully …

Friday, June 25, 2010

Respecting differences

to understand that each soul is unique is to have respect

We have formed the habit of having expectations for specific results…    without taking into consideration the reality of the patterns and needs of the universe, i.e the eternal play called life and its unique actors
Thus, what we seem to want is to mould everyone according to our own value system… But this is unnatural because each one of us is wonderfully unique

We need to understand that each person is unique with their own appropriate specialities….a soul that exists in this universal play is already a unique phenomenon… and anyway, the universe functions like clockwork…, it's already perfect… When we consider the existence of others as part of this cosmic perfection, our dis-ease of having expectations diminishes and our view is refreshed through the true respect of others… We are also unique but… not the only ones…

Sunday, June 20, 2010

don't be busy just… take it easy

When things seem to go wrong or not exactly as we've planned, clouds start gathering in our mind…then the rain of negative thoughts starts along with the thunder of worry… we are unable to think naturally and so our actions are wrong…
With an eclipsed intellect our priorities lose their proper order and our focus goes to our actions…our energy flows towards our focal point…but they don't seem to improve and so disappointment creeps in to become a regular in our life…which means a characteristic feature…such a deep characteristic that we forget who brought it in, in the first place…

It needs to teach ourselves to change its way of thinking before changing our actions…thus our focal point moves automatically towards the real point of internal power…rejuvenating thoughts are then being emanated naturally even during the worst circumstances or atmosphere… Through the stable exercise of returning my vision inside, to the quality of my thoughts , I can sustain the awareness of the seed of my action and not the results; then success seems easier than I thought…
I was just too busy…

Exercise for the day... traffic control
Let me exercise switching my focus… through consistent exercising of reflection and meditation, I the soul learn to grasp the internal contrasts…like a well balanced photograph has a sharp contrast, I need to start noticing where my focus goes and how it feels, very vividly; when I act, am I my hands… or the soul that animates those hands…?
Through traffic control I learn to experience the contraststhen I can choose… i.e act

Friday, June 18, 2010

Spiritual Telephone List

Real communication is just simpler than this…

Whatever I remember I bring it into life through my consciousness...
Through my thought I bring something into life and then connection happens by drawing energy from it… a relationship starts or our yoga , with it…
The thoughts that circle around our mind are like the numbers we used to dial on the wheel of the telephone, waiting for the line to get through…

We also know that the most useful phone numbers are the shortest ones…
Let's see the spiritual telephone list...

The operator request... when the line is not clear or cannot get through and the conversations start to turn into miss-understandings … we can pause for a while and dial zero… thus the line could get clearer and our conversation lighter
And for our "internal" calls also, zero number clears out the inner misunderstandings and the mind-noise just like the reconnection to the Supreme Source of Energy… the connection with the Operator rejuvenates us and thus we can go on clearer and with enthusiasm…

The emergency call... internally! The first thing that I do when I am in danger is to thing… "I am a peaceful soul"… In our internal calls the number 1 symbolizes Peace… the eternal fundamental quality of us the souls… what ever a soul needs is based and included inside Peace…in deep Silence… even our reconnection with the Supreme Source is being established after dialing #1…

Purity in motives... To respect and honour everything in life or every life form, irrespectively to the results, without exploiting them, brings me closer to my inner peace… just before reconnecting to the unfailing source...

Love in every relationship... I care & share beyond calculations and agendas...By calling my deepest disinterestedness I tune into the eternal universal source of unconditional love...

Happiness when I express and I enjoy... comes after our refreshing dive in the sea of peace within …this sea confluents with the Ocean of Peace…

Wisdom within is when I know only what I need to know… I am … my internal book doesn't need to have many pages… only one line is enough… I am an eternal soul… a silent being of light … do I need to know more ? After connecting to this, the child-sage begins the journey to meet the wisest being of the universe...

May you travel …light

Exercise for the day
Let me observe today, what is my initial connection … in what basis do my connections and calls happen … do they include the first basic digits 0 1 2 3 4 5…? If not… let me dial Zero with my mind a little more often today…

Monday, June 14, 2010

Traffic Control

When you feel that you 've become one with the keyboard...
When you don't remember why you are doing what you are doing...
It's really time to have your Traffic Control ...

During the day we can stop from time to time and check the routes of our mind... don't be afraid … it's won't take us long… we will be back to work in no time… back to our 'boss': 'Mrs. Action'

}It's not necessary to sit on our desk in a lotus posture or even close our eyes… we don't have to stop for a long time … the important thing is the quality (depth) of our detachment from our activity... 30'' is leaves the remaining 3570'' to do whatever we were doing…

Let me remember who I really am… let me gather myself from all over the place and concentrate on the center of my forehead…let me put myself back into the right position… "I'm a peaceful being of light… a peaceful soul… I remind myself why I'm here doing all this… "

}This is not a ritual but something that will take me beyond thought and bring me into awareness...

I observe the direction of my thoughts, my words, my actions... if necessary, I redirect them or keep moving in the same direction with more clarity and focus....
I don't need to try to stop my mind, or even distract my mind with phrases that will end up being a mantra…I want to feel my true nature through deeper understanding...

This practice of remembrance is called 'traffic control'. It is a means to refresh, recharge and reorient. When we forget to stop, the traffic of the mind becomes heavy and the driving tense, tiring, stressful and irritating and our mind and nerves seem ready to explode! To prevent explosions and emotional eruptions, which ultimately destroy or damage our effectiveness, we need to relieve this pressure regularly so it doesn't accumulate.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Where does love go when we no longer feel it?

As human beings we have the capacity to connect at four levels – physical, mental, intellectual and the spiritual. "let's shake hands… you are absolutely right..."
"hey, can you believe it? I was just thinking of you!" ... 
"I understand what you are going through..." ... or in moments of high awareness: "..yes, I feel that you understand me although you totally disagree…. and I'm glad that we can get along despite our differences " ...

When loving energy is clear of external limitations, likes & dislikes, expectations, patterns, images and senses … ideas and thoughts … When this energy is clear of our own or others' emotions, then the soul breaks the barriers of attraction and repulsion and reaches the heights of spiritual love, with clarity and knowledge in the heart...

Knowledge and clarity are two essential elements of true love because it is far more than an emotion… it's an awareness, a state of consciousness of the soul … an experience beyond external stimulus.

True love comes along with the awareness that I'm a soul and I consider others to be souls also; I'm a point of living energy in the world of time & matter…rather than "a combined psychosomatic entity… or matter that needed time to develop consciousness" or "a body with a soul and me (?) "

As long as this courageous awareness stays within us, "I am a peaceful soul, I am love…", there will be a flow of love with-in and with-out me.

Actually, there's only one love… but our "filters" make it seem like many types…

The archetype of eternal love that all souls are searching for through their filters is also one…and it's constantly and eternally emerged and emitted by the purest soul in the whole universe…

…Love is not an impersonal type of energy that we just tap into... 'love is in the air' but someone should feel it in order to exist in air...

The supreme soul, our universal parent, through his/her constant "being", emanates eternal Love and he/she is love's unshakable guardian… stay tuned … although it might not be obvious, this is the Age when it is raining Love…!

…to contemplate on
1. Can a soul who doesn't have his "own" children have the experience of maternal or paternal love?
2. Is it the eyes that see or the soul? Are we limited by our eyes to feel love?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Reflection... the real "digestive" for every day-life

Reflection is an exercise of the mind and intellect that goes into the depths of understanding an idea, or realization, or point of knowledge with the aim of practicing it in daily life.

Values… in action is a sign that knowledge has been… digested; without this, knowledge simply remains a beautiful aspect, appreciated, interesting information in my intellect but without the ability to give me strength because it is still external; it has not been internalised.

spiritual power: the ability of the soul to remain unaffected by negativity... the ability of the soul to be heard by itself when it claims inside : "…alright … now… remain peaceful…" ... we all comply with the powerful ones anyway…

All quality action (quality action is that action which is truly appropriate to person, circumstance and the need of the moment), all newness of perception (understanding), all new insights, or vision, require a space for silent reflection as a preliminary step.
Normally, the known thief , Mrs. Action Nonstopson, the administrative head of the "Ritual-Routine Life-time S.A", buys our valuable awareness for hay …

… boredom, routine, new expectations, dissatisfaction and... new promises …"no doubt my friend… after this project I will be peaceful"

A mind and intellect that do not give time and attention to reflective silence (meditation) become spiritually lazy…

spiritual laziness : No new heights are reached because there is no depth of awareness in what we are doing, no reflection on purpose. Externally there may be lots of activity and creativity for hours and hours, but the soul is incapable to stabilise and tune in to its inherent peace and happiness.
The soul cannot transform a thought into experience.

…as result… we get trapped by routine.

To daily break free from this force, to relieve the mind of the weight of stress and waste and routine, I need to step inside and reflect (think) on who I am and where I am going and reassess my value system, bring it into life into the moment...

"what am I..?" "what is my true nature ?" "what are my values…? if I have forgotten them and I'm fighting against life once again… le me remember these values by emerging them right now into my awareness…... peace... purity... love... happiness... wisdom...I'm a being of light... a living point of peace... I emanate goodness and benefit…I'm love…
I'm love in motion…..."

... few seconds every hour is enough to bring me back from forgetfulness... so that I can stop the wheel of routine and start the wheel of my real happiness… it's a choice

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Alpha Point

It's not enough to think about God
It needs to concentrate on Him
Thought creates theology
Concentration creates relationship 
Relationship brings Experience1

the means and the purpose
of course thought is not the problem, on the contrary it is one of the faculties of the soul... but once the soul starts identifying with it, it's misuse begins … and every misuse takes the soul away from it's destination … which is the living relationship

the food
like the food … by itself it's not a problem but if the soul consumes inappropriate food or inappropriate quantities then that also takes it away from it's purpose ... a healthy relationship with it's body

silence and the Supreme Soul
in silence the soul leaves behind the last illusionary support which is the attachment to the mind … not to mention the … tongue
the soul chooses a thought and experiments in order to feel if it's true…
like with a good friend, too much talking is never enough in the same way with the Supreme Soul, the Purest Being of the Universe, too much thought brings us away from this Being ... it blocks the relationship , the Love

Visiting my Friend
Let me go beyond complicated exercises and methods … let me go beyond mind-games … it doesn't take to bend time to meet Him, nor to count all the atoms !...

It takes far less for me to communicate with my beloved ones ... neither is necessary to bend my self lower than Him or beg Him … a true friend would never like this … he'd like to communicate as equal … not as the same … but as equal ...

By switching the mind I'm changing swiftly my consciousness... "I am a peaceful soul..." , "I'm a spiritual being of peace…" ,"a being of light" , "my natural consciousness is the awareness that I'm a soul… this is my natural nature..." ...

Here in silence my consciousness tunes in with the Supreme Soul's eternal consciousness … "a being of light with all of its powers activated" the only soul who is constantly in Soul Consciousness… gradually I'm learning to listen to Your Heart … you are my Eternal Friend …I can absorb the power of your Love...

1From the book "Alpha Point– A Glimpse of God"
by Anthony Strano