These are thoughts of wisdom
based on creative reflections
Meditation on these thoughts
will transform them into experience
making awareness more positive
and bringing benefit to your day
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Escaping ... Part B'

Some external habits stimulate substances within our body… how long will we be chemically enslaved to these habits?
Take the exhaustive habit of anger as an example: it stimulates adrenaline in the body,giving the illusion of liveliness and 'control'. Gradually, however, it is possible to get addicted to this ‘chemical comfort zone’ and to create a hostile facet in my character (a trait which has become socially accepted as meaning we are being 'frank' or even 'courageous'). Adrenaline suppresses our natural state of peace and also the health of our body… but social reward or our own temporary satisfaction blinds us.
What should I do? Feel supressed ?
Somewhere between explosion and implosion there are many alternatives which we have not explored. Alternatives which we do not have the real courage to exercise… In this, spirituality can give me a helping hand… Let me move away from what seems to be black and white… Let me begin to talk with myself honestly:
"Because deep down I am reluctant to change anything about myself, I am for the time being unwilling to live a higher quality life (and so I am complacent) …I am reluctant to move closer to my true nature… maybe because I haven't yet really focused on discovering it… not yet at least… but any moment is the right moment to begin…"It is a matter of discerning and choosing: will I let my habits emerge 'just like that' without the slightest filtering of them… without even really listening to them?
in silence let me listen… what is their message ? … what is it that I don't satisfy within me?.... what are my deeper needs… from where are they originating ? … which deeper call am I not acknowledging? … which control, which power am I missing and substituting with anger…?
So, what is the solution?
Solutions always hide behind problems… let me bring them into the light...
There are some substances that do not cause addiction and … we have unlimited and free quantities of them. Where? Within ourselves… There are some non-physical substances that are called virtues and powers: Peace, purity, friendship, inner wisdom, goodness, these are our imperishable instincts.
These eternal instincts or archetypes, want to emerge in our consciousness and they are determined to do so… For example, the substance called peace pulls us to a peaceful forest. Purity and innocence pulls us towards a dolphin or a deer.With meditation I expand my understanding. Through my systematic reactivation of my true peace I start discerning the mechanism of chemical illusions. I realize that through any temporary satisfaction I loose valuable spiritual energy: I loose the power to direct my mind to beneficial thoughts and my heart to pure feelings.
NOW is the time to learn the art of listening to my inner peaceful nature, the call of the self, time and the supreme source for true empowerment...
What is time calling me to do? To choose between chemistry or clarity… what is my supreme friend, the One who remains stable in his true state, calling me to be: … the embodiment of peace and pure happiness, away from illusion…
When I keep my inner space clean, I am able to bring my mind close to the Pure Source, I'm feeling the current of clarity and grace… this grace restores and recharges me… this current enables me to keep improving myself…
Let me remember my true identity… that I am an eternal being… wherever I may be I can always remember my eternal Friend….. and as I do this, my consciousness is purified, I begin to be like you again,…after all, you are my eternal parent…
Supreme Source,