Thursday, August 5, 2010

Time for the right…diet

When we are faced with a difficult situation we might try to make our mind positive at that time, but we usually find it very difficult to do so…and it really is! Then a mantra "it's hard, it's hard…" conquers the mind and becomes a thought-pattern. Our focus goes to our own or others' defects and weaknesses which then grow stronger inside us. Our vision towards life becomes limited and hopeless… we often call this "realism"

When our intellect is pulled by something, we become the embodiment of it… just like the soul enters the body and gives it life, in the same way when we tune into a defect we bring it to life: it's like a mask which covers our face that others notice immediately. We may deny it because we are sometimes unaware of it or we may label it as something else… "me angry?…nooo, it's just the tone of my voice…". Our reaction to the situation is a signal that our intellect is getting weaker because… it is not getting the right nourishment

In order to overcome our weaknesses we need to feed our intellect with light and might. Then the power that we want at that time will emerge naturally during our daily… 'test papers'. By feeding our intellect, the home of our consciousness, not just with positive thoughts but also with experiences of truth, it will help us be the embodiment of power at the time of need… automatically. Like a master we'll be able to evoke our inner powers and be free from 'trying' to change negative into positive.

Spiritual Exercise
Keep a spiritual reference point in your awareness from early on in the morning. Become absorbed in an elevated thought of your choice and go beyond just thinking about it
}a positive thought is only as good as healthy food that stays on your plate… go deeper with the thought till you have an experience of it... In this way you will teach yourself to channel thoughts from your mind into the intellect... the heart of the soul

In the silent atmosphere of the early morning hours, before my mind and the mind of others start transmitting thousands of useless thoughts let me have my nutritious spiritual breakfast…  let me emerge my deepest resources of goodness and peace and then let me fly directly to the Universal Source of Positive Energy ...   

"With one thought let me dive within...Into my inner peace... I am a peaceful soul... a new day is beginning... I the eternal being of light concentrate the energy of my consciousness in the centre of my forehead between and behind my physical eyes... I concentrate my spiritual energy where I the soul reside... I go deeper into my peace... I experience my real peace and goodness... harmony, freedom and silence...
And with a loving thought... with a thought of Friendship I connect to the Supreme Source of Peace I feel the current of peace and lightand I Remember I remember this Original Friendship with the Supreme Source of Love… the Universal Parent of the soul... I receive the current of unconditional love and light… in this pure light I remain here with You… I fill myself with Your loving and purifying light… here in Your Silence I have the experience of being Your eternal child...this is connection… the supreme connection... I experience LovePurity and Harmony

During the day we can forge this connection between the unadulterated part of our self and our Eternal Parent, with short, frequent intervals of remembrance...