Sunday, July 4, 2010

The light of dawn always comes right after the deepest darkness

When things seem to go wrong or not exactly as we've planned, we feel that the situation colours us. Our enthusiasm dries up and we unconsciously start painting our thoughts with the colour of the situation; everything seems dark and gloomy and we see no light at the end of the tunnel…

}We keep recycling with perfect concentration all the negativity that even the best yogis & yoginis  would be jealous of :
Not even one
luminous thought can enter our dark “meditation"... We would even be able to convince everyone in our meditation class that "it's impossible for me to concentrate… it's so difficult… it’s my nature…I’ve always been like this … it's in my genes…"  

Luckily concentration, along with other spiritual powers, is absolutely natural for all souls and we don't need to learn how to do it...
"Techniques" or "tricks" can take us only so far…   honest exploration and love for what I concentrate on are enough... 

}My real interest emerges the power of concentration… the opening of the heart stabilizes the mind naturally to what my heart beats for...
And if the heart doesn't know, it's afraid…and it leads the mind to dark places…with a military discipline...

... But the most auspicious moment of darkness is just before dawn, it's the time of sowing the seeds of my new understanding… my new consciousness...
...if I choose to

Just like a simple click can bring light into a room, a shift in consciousness can refresh my mind naturally… for this to happen, understanding is needed. Understanding is cultivated through experimenting in silence.

}In silence I can experience the contrast between positive and negative consciousness. In silence I can observe how my attitude pulls thoughts accordingly from my think-tank, the subconscious.
If my attitude is light, I think "let there be light…" but if not…

Let me detach myself for a few moments during the day from any sort of noise… TV, conversations, ideas, arguments, radio and even my relaxation CD's and books…let me put aside all these excuses that bring me into action because, at a deeper level, I simply don't want to be with myself… my eternal companion. ..

Exercise in silence
One of the most appropriate moments for experiencing silence
is early in the morning… before my day begins and my "duty consciousness" kicks in with thousands of thoughts, let me connect with the deepest part of my existence… let me touch base… If I plant my first powerful thoughts at that moment then my day is not going to be like other days… Let me turn within and talk slowly and steadily to myself… let me feel the difference that each thought brings within me without trying to stop the mind… let me guide it gently into a positive flow of thoughts...
"Who am I really? What being am I really?  Am I body with a soul or a soul who has a body? Let me experience which of the two I am… this is my body…so, who says "my"…?
I am a peaceful soul… my original state is that of peace and silence…
A new day awaits me, full of opportunities to unfold my full potential….
I trust my self and I trust life… whatever happens I know that how I evolve is my choice
I am the master of my life… I'm in the control room of my mind… by choosing trust as my attitude I'm able to emerge creative and transformative thoughts..."