'Innocent' lies...
Many of us will have felt the loneliness of the effort-maker, of our ... responsibilities and burdens... and we will have experienced the chaotic thoughts that accumulate and finally burst forth in a reactive way...
"Who is going to do all this work ... me again? , "...I'm on my own here! Isn't anyone going to help me ?..." , "They’ve deserted me..." , "Are they going to learn how to cooperate or not?" and “ I've done so much for them and this is how they show their gratitude!"
Why don't others cooperate as they "should do"?
Why do we end up feeling so embittered about their indifference ? What makes us feel this way?
Let me look a little closer...
Let me pause my thoughts and feelings before stepping into the 'swamp' of resentment and enmity and getting stuck one more time... thoughts and words that seem to be so 'normal' or ordinary are in fact signs of discontentment... why is it that my enthusiasm and creativity are evaporating?
Let me look into this... let me heal it..
Since my intentions are good why am I in pain? Is what I'm offering pure or am I expecting a return: gratitude, cooperation, recognition or some other response. Why? Am I not happy enough with my inner cooperation? Why is it that I am still looking for outer support and cooperation?
It's not 'their fault' and it's not the situations that are to blame... Let me cooperate internally: thus, life and the Supreme Source of cooperation will stand beneficially by my side... they will both be my firm support in my unique expression in this life...Let me look a little higher...
All souls are unique in this universe ... so there is a soul who has the best capacity to teach me something very liberating... This soul has the antidote for resentment and disappointment: unconditional sharing of light and pure energy. As the eternal Mother, what does Her example show me? It shows me that I don't need to become entangled in giving and taking but rather learn how to share...
Her selflessness reaches a point where She stays uninfluenced by people's acceptance of Her or not; She remains peacefully unaffected by the cooperation of others or the absence of it. She continues to inspire our surrender by Her being...
Experience of inner cooperation
The core of my action is me... a spiritual being... I am the seed of my actions... I am the reason for my thoughts and feelings... I am the seed of my life... I enjoy my inner completeness and the cooperation of my inner powers... just like nature or the supreme soul , I'm learning to share because I realise that this is my original state of being... goodness is my original state and its expression inspires other souls to cooperate with me... I am the cooperation I want to see in others... I offer my cooperation to life...and life will surely respond...