Let's look at a 'recipe' for a problem...:
We are used to identifying ourselves with external identities and thus we lose valuable spiritual energy.
Let's look at a 'recipe' for a problem...:
- Take a difficult situation and keep churning it in your mind...
- ...the more you churn the heavier it becomes ...
- Spice it up by adding some appropriate adjectives, 'terrible','unfair', 'wrong', ...
- Add some 'guilt' and a hint of 'victimization'...
- (Adding old problems intensifies the 'flavour'...)
- Put aside for a while to rest and rise after adding some 'excuses' and 'blame'.
- Take the 'mixture' and empty into a mould of your choice.
- Bake in a hot oven of 'anger' and 'bitter memories' and serve hot or cold to your 'friends'.
- It goes with tea or coffee and mainly with 'good' conversations about 'recipes' for other problems.
It is clear that a solution cannot be found while staying in the consciousness that produced the problem in the first place.
A problem is a sign that something is lacking in us. The size of any of our problems is a measure of some weakness of ours.
"So is it our fault again? But we had the best of intentions! It's not our problem it's theirs! They are to blame!..."
Unfortunately, we are used to a life of external activity perceiving ourselves as physical beings; we consider ourselves to be our roles or personalities: parent, child, husband,wife, supervisor, man, woman, clever, creative, practical, impractical, etc.We are used to identifying ourselves with external identities and thus we lose valuable spiritual energy.
How? By focusing our awareness on the problem itself and dealing with it on the level of our roles; thus we do not see that this kind of awareness is the very problem itself.
"So where is the solution then...?
Is it possible to solve problems without using these roles?"
Unfortunately there is no external solution to problems... while trying to solve them externally new ones emerge...Only when I turn my awareness within and not on the problem itself will I realise that the source of all my problems happens to be the source of all the solutions too... it is me... I am the solution... every moment is the right moment to choose not to be the attached participator in any problem.. Peacefully... detached... I discern... in the silence... I decide to be the solution I want to see outside myself... I choose not to isolate myself in my roles and labels... I focus on my original identity... I am a soul... a being of peace... I am a spiritual being that uses the obstacles as a means of progress... as an opportunity to apply my powers and virtues that have lain dormant within me for so long... "Thank you Problem for being my alarm clock!" ... without you I would still be sleeping the sleep of ignorance... the sleep of the illusion that I had already reached my perfection..."