What is failure?
When I say 'I've failed' what do I really mean? Usually when we are attached to specific results we tend to see processes and people in a very superficial way.
And that is convenient:quick and easy like fast-food … but this has a deeper cost: we lose the pure connection with things and people – we lose the purity of the relationship with our mind and our words.
What is 'failure' signalling me…?
Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes this reason can be profound and at other times it can be less obvious. Is it necessary to dig deep and hard to find it?…
Better not to! Especially if we really 'enjoy' analysis, mystery and philosophical expansion… let us instead be decisive… let us use the energy of our mind and time in a worthwhile way.
"But how? To find a solution don't we really need deep analysis, and study and discussion etc. etc.… "
Stop… put a full stop...
In silence let me remember my internal peace. Let me appreciate my day and my life. What is success and what is failure?
Who is a successful person, especially at this time? …We see again and again how external 'solutions' come to nothing; Let me listen to my heart and mind..
What do my heart and mind need?
Progress, truth, evolution…
How can my mind progress?
When it is empty and listens to the heart..
I ask my heart…"How do you progress?"
And in this inner dialogue my heart answers :
"When I am filled with pure feelings; feelings of the real self: goodness and gratitude, peace and purity...
When I can maintain this inner atmosphere of interest and affirmation: in this way I can shift you towards sincere learning and increase your capacity for translating the signals and messages of life…In such an atmosphere you will be able to see beyond failure and recognize lessons and opportunities for success.
But for this to happen your mind needs to become empty… this would be a real success! By being full look at the mess you've created… I, the heart , have become so empty and dry and you, the mind, have become so heavy and complicated… This was our real failure... "