Frequently, even if we are undertaking an important task, our consciousness becomes dull because our intellect is disrupted by negative thoughts about ourselves and about others. This type of internal environment in our heart and mind pollutes the purpose of our task and makes it seem so mundane: it takes on no significance within us.
And so, that which was to be undertaken in a beautiful way becomes ordinary: quantity surpasses quality. ‘Action consciousness’ begins to take over. That is, we simply go through the motions required for us to finish a task quickly and haphazardly: it therefore loses its meaning within us.
In other words, despite the fact that we are focused on the action we wish to undertake, the result of our efforts is left lacking something. Isn’t that peculiar?
Let us take a closer look….
Let’s begin with an everyday example.
Preparing a meal or even a cup of tea, I can fill the action with significance, my truth. This means, with thoughts and feelings of soul consciousness. My natural state of consciousness, which is my intention to offer something beautiful and pure through my actions, will fill me with pure thoughts and emotions, which will reach other souls from within these actions themselves. Each and every one of my actions, even every material object is charged by my internal quality….this is my real gift, that which cannot be seen.
We are the meaning which we want to offer through our actions. The state of our consciousness, this surpasses our action and touches others because they feel its authenticity and transparency.Consciousness…is it a matter of our genes, our external circumstances, or our individuality?
I must comprehend that my consciousness corresponds to the emotions I have in my actions, in other words the quality of my efforts. I am a being which has the ability in every passing moment to choose the level of its consciousness…..how?
Firstly I need to become aware that it is my consciousness which defines my existence…therefore in essence this is the only part of myself which I can choose to focus upon…it is when I begin to forget who I am and I begin to identify with things which I possess, that is: a body, a career, a role, a property, a job, a family etc, that the pain begins...
It is through silence, at the beginning of my day and also at intervals during my day, that I begin to go deeper within myself. I begin to discover the boundaries of my consciousness, my very existence… beyond the senses, I begin to rediscover my true state of consciousness … soul-consciousness … the super-sensuous state of being…
By interrupting, even for a moment, the habitual flow of my thoughts and with the help of decisive thinking, I allow my transition towards my authentic state of consciousness, that is ‘soul consciousness’. I chose to raise my consciousness…I become peaceful…I nurture the quality of that which I am undertaking; this quality is felt by others around me.
Peace is my natural state of being, it is that which each and every soul desires for its heart and mind…it desires peace because it feels that it already exists within it…I gradually teach myself to inhabit this level of consciousness all the more frequently. Eventually, and with a practice that is both systematic and of a high quality, I am able to sustain my thoughts and my consciousness at this high level in all the more worthwhile pursuits…in this way I feel the benefits…