In our way to completeness, we sometimes live with fear which sometimes may be obvious and other times it remains well hidden behind innocent and quite logical expressions… words that repeat, such as: 'right' 'unfair' 'all' 'them' 'noone' 'honestly' 'always' 'never' 'realistically', are used when we want to avoid our responsibility, so we say something while we mean and feel something else.
The expressions that follow may be appropriate, true and fair enough when we are using them with honesty, but our fear-based motives hide many times what we really mean.
Fortunately for us and for the others around us, life is destined to uncover and expose our fears in a very natural way…life is destined to expose them to the light.
Type of Fears and the Expressions we use
Fear of the unknown
"let's be sensible... many things can happen… look what happened to Michael..." "...it takes time" ....."we must plan everything well and be very thorough... otherwise everything will just be up in the air...", "I don't function that way"Fear of solitude
"we all need someone...", "I can't leave her, we've been through so many things...","a relationship is something that is alive, every real relationship has some tension; it's normal; let us be realistic"
Thus we sustain relationships based on fear of losing and we end up filling ourselves with possessiveness, codependency and finally with sorrow...:
"...which is something normal and it sometimes makes things interesting..." we admit many times to our friends...
Fear of 'others' or of cooperation with others
"they are not fond of me; I'm sure... you should see how they were looking at me the other day...""it's always more effective to cooperate with one person, maximum..." "I'm more effective when I'm on my own..."
Fear of authority
"no way I'm speaking openly to him, he'll throw me out... he's not a person for many discussions", Fear of failure
"It's so difficult for me to start using the computer… honestly …I've never been any good with technology..."Exercise in remembrance of our natural feelings
Spiritual progress is not just knowing and observing the obstacles or the excuses I use to avoid the lessons in life. It's not enough realizing what makes me unhappy or what blocks me. We reach to a point of drawing the whole tree, of having deep knowledge about the phenomena and yet of having no power: I need the experience of real peace and happiness, the remembrance of my unadulterated self in the silence.
This is why we need to return to our roots in silence, to return to the seed for drawing spiritual power beyond knowledge. This would be the second and final step for stopping the fears from even emerging.
Meditation is the exercise of remembrance of our original eternal feelings: peace, love, purity, happiness and awareness – this is what we are made of…
For a few seconds I'm getting lost in the thought… " I am a peaceful soul… I am living peace… a being of light that radiates spiritual energy… I am a soul, conscious light, self aware of its existence… I can feel my own existence and this is one my subtle senses that now I develop more and more... I ask my self how does it feel to be peaceful? I detach from my body and all the things around me and I make space for the experience of this quality… now I visualize applying this quality in my every day interactions...I visualize my self expressing through this virtue… I enjoy this wonderful quality and I express my inner beauty through its color..."
One second, one thought... softly and clearly... I think about and feel my natural qualities, one by one... this is called remembrance of truth, which takes me even beyond meditation…