A true server of the humanity is like the sun that always shines no matter what is happening. The sunlight is always present and available, otherwise there would be no life on earth. To become as benevolent as the sun, I need to go beyond my limited needs and desires, beyond my limited problems and excuses and start right now to share with my brother and sisters unlimited, pure, selfless love through my thoughts, words and actions. |
These are thoughts of wisdom
based on creative reflections
Meditation on these thoughts
will transform them into experience
making awareness more positive
and bringing benefit to your day
Monday, March 28, 2011
Becoming a True Server of Humanity
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Is there such thing as 'failure' ?

What is failure?
When I say 'I've failed' what do I really mean? Usually when we are attached to specific results we tend to see processes and people in a very superficial way.
And that is convenient:quick and easy like fast-food … but this has a deeper cost: we lose the pure connection with things and people – we lose the purity of the relationship with our mind and our words.
What is 'failure' signalling me…?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Awareness of Time
In order to have complete awareness of time we need to go beyond it and experience eternity. When I see the limited world of action through the unlimited eyes of eternity, then I realize that there is neither beginning nor end there, but continuous change. Being in this awareness what could there be for me to expect or desire or to be afraid of or to worry about? |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Cooperation: happiness or obligation...

'Innocent' lies...
Many of us will have felt the loneliness of the effort-maker, of our ... responsibilities and burdens... and we will have experienced the chaotic thoughts that accumulate and finally burst forth in a reactive way...
"Who is going to do all this work ... me again? , "...I'm on my own here! Isn't anyone going to help me ?..." , "They’ve deserted me..." , "Are they going to learn how to cooperate or not?" and “ I've done so much for them and this is how they show their gratitude!"
Why don't others cooperate as they "should do"?
Why do we end up feeling so embittered about their indifference ? What makes us feel this way?
Let me look a little closer...
Let me pause my thoughts and feelings before stepping into the 'swamp' of resentment and enmity and getting stuck one more time... thoughts and words that seem to be so 'normal' or ordinary are in fact signs of discontentment... why is it that my enthusiasm and creativity are evaporating?
Supreme Source,
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Real Freedom
Real freedom is not to expect anything from anyone, even from God. Expectation brings dissatisfaction, criticism, and even anger. When I am able to connect to my original self and to the Supreme Source of energy, I feel complete and absolutely contented. Knowing that I am already given all I could wish for, expectations and desires disappear. . |
original self,
Supreme Source