Sunday, December 18, 2011

Realization of our own role

To recognise the uniqueness of one's own role is
to be free from negativity

When things start going wrong in our life, a thought sometimes comes into our minds:"…if I only had a better role…". We then begin to compare ourselves with others or wish for something better in our life, which makes us lose all our enthusiasm. We then make no effort to better our role.

We need to recognise the importance of our own role. Like an actor who doesn't try to change his role but instead decides to bring perfection to his role, we, too, need to concentrate on our own unique role. The recognition of the importance of our own role and the desire to bring excellence to it, makes us free from the vicious vicious circle of negativity.

Exercise for the day
1. What is my role in the scenery of life? What is my speciality and which aspects of my expression through this role need to be revised?

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Genuine happiness transforms any burden to a pleasure.
Then there is no task that I am not able to perform and there is no spiritual height that I am not able to reach.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Quality Transformation

Quality transformers can be compared to the oyster. When a tiny foreign particle invades (enters) the oyster’s home, it secretes a liquid that combines with the particle to finally create a pearl.
The pearl can live in the oyster's home for the rest of the oyster's natural life without causing any disturbance.

In the same way, rather than react negatively to people and events, we can accept them and mould with them. Through thoughts of acceptance and power, our consciousness jumps to another level of perception and we realise that what we might have previously regarded as a problem can, if handled correctly, be a means to develop our strengths and remove our weaknesses.

We will realise that a problem or can in fact be a gift : it all depends on our perception of the experience. The choice is ours and not anyone else's…at the end of the day we all have to live with ourselves...!

Exercise in silence
Have some quality time for yourself and make your silence creative by noticing all those "problems" that come in order to become your… pearls.
Remaining detached from the external form of the situation let me ask myself:

- What message / quality is hidden behind the external name & form?

- Which internal power should I develop so that I can stay uninfluenced?

- Where will I draw that power from?

- Which pearl do I still deprive myself of?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In the scenery of my mind

Where my mind goes... that is what I become... this is what I am

The sun is a suitable image for positive thinking.

The visualization described below uses a sunlit landscape as a comparison for the four levels of thoughts we create: positive, necessary, waste and negative. It can be used to increase your percentage of positive thoughts everyday.

Through these levels the soul has the opportunity to create its internal experiences and finally its external behaviour, its action.

Visualize a beautiful valley with a lake, forested foothills and high mountains rising up into the clouds. This is the landscape of your mind.

Your position in this landscape and the form in which you are displayed depends on the quality of your thoughts.

Are you a fish swimming in the muddy depths of the lake (negative thoughts)?
Are you a frog jumping back and forth from the shore to the lake, wasting time (wasteful thoughts)?

Are you a human, wandering into the forest to gather food and build a shelter (necessary thoughts)? Or the sun, which sustains (nourishes) all life on earth (positive thoughts)?

Points to Reflect upon:

Which position and form do you prefer to have in the landscape of your mind?

What is it that prevents you reaching this position and whose choice is it?

Today, what is your internal plan of action for reaching this position and what kind of fuel is necessary for this journey? Where do you plan to find this fuel?

Bon Voyage!

Monday, October 17, 2011

My principles

When my principles are very deeply rooted inside me, I will follow them no matter what the situations are or what others do.

I will never have the expectation that others should also accept, respect and follow them.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Less is More

Anything that goes too far, like too much thinking, speaking, acting or even listening can become a problem.

When I feel complete I don’t need to have an opinion about everything. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Determination enables elevated thoughts to become … fruitful

When we have an aim in our life and are working for it, we sometimes are not able to bring into practice all that we're planning to do... We then tend to become disheartened and give up after trying for some time.

Thus we lose out on the benefit that our thoughts can bring in our life and in the life of others.

Thoughts are like seeds in the soil of our consciousness … in order for them to bear fruits "out there", special care and attention is needed on a daily basis.

Our determination, also, will be like water for them helping them to come to fruition …

Thoughts & words like "I'll try…", "let us hope…" "maybe…" change turn  into… "I will do it!", "done!"

Where there is determination there is success.

Exercise for the day
Today let me stop for just a minute. Every hour has 60 of them! Let me check in a detached way the vocabulary of my mind... do I sustain the pure thoughts I created yesterday ?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Spiritual drill

The real spiritual drill will give me real independence and will keep me constantly in my self respect, self esteem and self confidence.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Controlling Power

The more control we have over ourselves and our lives, the happier and freer we will feel:

A simple example is when we are drinking a glass of water: we move our hands, we turn on the tap, we fill up the glass, we direct it to our mouth, we drink this invaluable liquid and thus we quench our thirst. Our body 'smiles back at us'... 
This is a simple example of controlling matter and being part of a game. This sense of control over matter doesn't mean exploitation rather something that is pure: interaction.  

...we sometimes get angry with situations or other people. Why does this happen? We have the 'logical' expectation that all of our thoughts, desires and directions should manifest in this game of interaction around us... for many reasons though, this is not always possible especially when it concerns other people too... and even if it is possible it doesn't last...
Sometimes, the simple expectation that a person should behave as we want them to is in itself an attempt to control them. When we try to control another person, which is impossible, we are bound to fail, feel frustrated and stressed. Thus, we lose spiritual energy and feel exhausted which comes back as anger towards those we try to control or other people that are 'easier' for us...
This is the magic moment in which I can ask myself: "What kind of control do I truly need in order for me to be really happy?" We are capable of having power over ourselves; we can be more responsible for our thoughts and feelings. We have the capacity to choose the quality of our response to different situations and people that we come across in our lives, whatever the outcome.
If we do not exercise much control over our thoughts and emotions, we easily fall into the tendency of seeing ourselves as victimized, and we blame others, making them responsible in our own minds for how we feel. When we do this, we are forgetting that we are the creators of our own thoughts. When this happens, we are handing over the control of our thoughts to those who influence, criticize, attack or slander us.

If we want to recover control over our life, we must learn to control our thoughts and feelings and not blame anyone else for them. The more self-control we have over ourselves, the less will we want to control others and our capacity to influence other people positively will be greater.
By feeling victims we build walls around our heart keeping life and our 'enemies' outside... we become more and more cynical which we cover under the words 'maturing process' or becoming more 'experienced' or 'realistic'...

Exercise of Self Control
The more we turn inward for gaining control the more we will feel content and rejuvenated. In order to fulfill my need for control in a healthy way I need to have 'spiritual gymnastics': mind and heart exercises by practicing meditation.
By being a systematic spiritual effort maker I can empower my mind and my heart and thus I gain trust for myself and my life. During meditation I create simple thoughts and emerge feelings which replenish me and empower the circulation of spiritual energy within me. I will need less and less to impose my will on others or try to ‘control situations’ externally - on the contrary, I will have more power to affect others positively. 

It's a matter of power, and for power we need healthy 'spiritual nutrition' and systematic exercise...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our subtle property

Time and thoughts are our subtle property. Let us not waste one single thought, not one single moment. Let us find a way to use our subtle property in a worthwhile way and success is bound to come.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Humility versus depression

To be really humble means to respect others, to learn from them, but not to be too impressed by anyone or anything. If I am too impressed by a person or an idea then I expect too much from them and great expectations may bring great disappointment and depression.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Making the choice to develop soul consciousness

The situation
Frequently, even if we are undertaking an important task, our consciousness becomes dull because our intellect is disrupted by negative thoughts about ourselves and about others. This type of internal environment in our heart and mind pollutes the purpose of our task and makes it seem so mundane: it takes on no significance within us.

And so, that which was to be undertaken in a beautiful way becomes ordinary: quantity surpasses quality. ‘Action consciousness’ begins to take over. That is, we simply go through the motions required for us to finish a task quickly and haphazardly: it therefore loses its meaning within us.

In other words, despite the fact that we are focused on the action we wish to undertake, the result of our efforts is left lacking something. Isn’t that peculiar?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Love from the heart

Love from the heart gives to the soul the power of determination.
Love from the heart brings contentment even when there is not an external achievement. Not to depend on external achievements will give the soul stability and great liberation.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Escaping ... Part C'

Growing up a child will observe the ways in which adults invent numerous forms of ‘rejuvenation’ and ‘escape’ from the daily grind….Sooner or later however these pleasant pastimes prove themselves to be ways of avoiding truth and become a source of new addictions…..

Other people

Many people utilize others in their search for fulfillment….

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Detached observer

The “safety valve” of the self is detachment and observation. It helps the self to maintain a stage of equanimity for good or for bad situations, for praise and defamation.

No matter what happens there is a benefit in everything.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Escaping ... Part B'

Growing up a child will observe the ways in which adults invent numerous forms of 'rejuvenation' or escape from their daily routines... Sooner or later these pleasant pastimes prove themselves to be ways of avoiding truth and become a source of new addictions…

Some external habits stimulate substances within our body… how long will we be chemically enslaved to these habits?
Take the exhaustive habit of anger as an example: it stimulates adrenaline in the body,giving the illusion of liveliness and 'control'. Gradually, however, it is possible to get addicted to this ‘chemical comfort zone’ and to create a hostile facet in my character (a trait which has become socially accepted as meaning we are being 'frank' or even 'courageous'). Adrenaline suppresses our natural state of peace and also the health of our body… but social reward or our own temporary satisfaction blinds us.

What should I do? Feel supressed ?
Somewhere between explosion and implosion there are many alternatives which we have not explored. Alternatives which we do not have the real courage to exercise… In this, spirituality can give me a helping hand… Let me move away from what seems to be  black and white…  Let me begin to talk with myself honestly:
"Because deep down I am reluctant to change anything about myself, I am for the time being unwilling to live a higher quality life (and so I am complacent) …I am reluctant to move closer to my true nature… maybe because I haven't yet really focused on discovering it… not yet at least… but any moment is the right moment to begin…"
It is a matter of discerning and choosing: will I let my habits emerge 'just like that' without the slightest filtering of them… without even really listening to them?

in silence let me listen… what is their message ? … what is it  that I don't satisfy within me?.... what are my deeper needs… from where are they originating ? … which deeper call am I not acknowledging? … which control, which power am I missing and substituting with anger…? 

So, what is the solution?
Solutions always hide behind problems… let me bring them into the light...

There are some substances that do not cause addiction and … we have unlimited and free quantities of them. Where? Within ourselves… There are some non-physical substances that are called virtues and powers: Peace, purity, friendship, inner wisdom, goodness, these are our imperishable instincts.
These eternal instincts or archetypes, want to emerge in our consciousness and they are determined to do so… For example, the substance called peace pulls us to a peaceful forest. Purity and innocence pulls us towards a dolphin or a deer.
With meditation I expand my understanding. Through my systematic reactivation of my true peace I start discerning the mechanism of chemical illusions. I realize that through any temporary satisfaction I loose valuable spiritual energy: I loose the power to direct my mind to beneficial thoughts and my heart to pure feelings. 

NOW is the time to learn the art of listening to my inner peaceful nature, the call of the self, time and the supreme source for true empowerment...

What is time calling me to do? To choose between chemistry or clarity… what is my supreme friend, the One who remains stable in his true state, calling me to be: … the embodiment of peace and pure happiness, away from illusion…
When I keep my inner space clean,  I am able to bring my mind close to the Pure Source, I'm feeling the current of clarity and grace… this grace restores and recharges me… this current enables me to keep improving myself…
Let me remember my true identity… that I am an eternal being… wherever I may be I can always remember my eternal Friend….. and as I do this, my consciousness is purified,  I begin to be like you again,…after all, you are my eternal parent…

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Language of Silence

As everything external becomes more and more noisy we need to become more and more quiet and deep. We need to learn and use the language that every soul understands, that is not the language of words, but the language of peace and light.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Love is not a word, but a feeling. Instead of just using the word love let me ask myself deeply:
"Am I the embodiment of love?"
"Am I generous enough to change myself to the point that pure love is experienced through my eyes, through my attitude, through my each and every action?"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Escaping ... Part A'

Growing up a child will observe how adults invent numerous forms of escape from their daily routine, and eventually will start imitating them.. Sooner or later these pleasant pastimes become a source of limitation,addiction and finally pain…

Can nature itself actually be a form of escapism? If so,why?
"Because deep down I don't really want to change anything within myself. I can't stand the frenetic pace of life and the people around me… I just want to get my fill of peace, quick and easy…"
This attitude will make me sad each time I return to the city; it will make me oversensitive and/or sarcastic. It will make me forget that happiness in life comes when I honestly share the fruits of my progress and spiritual endeavor. This, however, can only be achieved on the field of relationship, and by overcoming its inherent challenges attain peace of mind.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jealousy and Laziness

The seed of jealousy is laziness. When I am honest with myself and committed to a higher task, then I will work with enthusiasm and accuracy, without comparing myself to anyone else and the results of my efforts to the result of anyone else’s efforts, knowing that the fruit of an honest effort will always come at the right time.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Becoming a True Server of Humanity

A true server of the humanity is like the sun that always shines no matter what is happening.
The sunlight is always present and available, otherwise there would be no life on earth.
To become as benevolent as the sun, I need to go beyond my limited needs and desires, beyond my limited problems and excuses and start right now to share with my brother and sisters unlimited, pure, selfless love through my thoughts, words and actions.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is there such thing as 'failure' ?

What is failure?
When I say 'I've failed' what do I really mean? Usually when we are attached to specific results we tend to see processes and people in a very superficial way.

And that is convenient:quick and easy like fast-food … but this has a deeper cost: we lose the pure connection with things and people – we lose the purity of the relationship with our mind and our words.

What is 'failure' signalling me…?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Awareness of Time

In order to have complete awareness of time we need to go beyond it and experience eternity. When I see the limited world of action through the unlimited eyes of eternity, then I realize that there is neither beginning nor end there, but continuous change. Being in this awareness what could there be for me to expect or desire or to be afraid of or to worry about?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cooperation: happiness or obligation...

'Innocent' lies...
Many of us will have felt the loneliness of the effort-maker, of our ... responsibilities and burdens... and we will have experienced the chaotic thoughts that accumulate and finally burst forth in a reactive way...
"Who is going to do all this work ... me again? , "...I'm on my own here! Isn't anyone going to help me ?..." , "They’ve deserted me..." , "Are they going to learn how to cooperate or not?" and “ I've done so much for them and this is how they show their gratitude!"

Why don't others cooperate as they "should do"?
Why do we end up feeling so embittered about their indifference ? What makes us feel this way?

Let me look a little closer...
Let me pause my thoughts and feelings before stepping into the 'swamp' of resentment and enmity and getting stuck one more time... thoughts and words that seem to be so 'normal' or ordinary are in fact signs of discontentment... why is it that my enthusiasm and creativity are evaporating?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Real Freedom

Real freedom is not to expect anything from anyone, even from God. Expectation brings dissatisfaction, criticism, and even anger.
When I am able to connect to my original self and to the Supreme Source of energy, I feel complete and absolutely contented.
Knowing that I am already given all I could wish for, expectations and desires disappear.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Purity and Love

Purity means cleanliness, transparency, honesty. Purity means that I am the same inside and outside. Purity brings fearlessness, freedom and constant happiness. Purity is the basis of the highest form of love: unconditional love.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Quality check

The sign of a good relationship is the amount of silence there is in it. If a relationship is based on words rather than on silence, it means that there is some kind of dependency.
Where there is dependency there cannot be freedom, equality and quality.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What's the 'recipe' for a solution...?

Let's look at a 'recipe' for a problem...:
  • Take a difficult situation and keep churning it in your mind...
  • ...the more you churn the heavier it becomes ...
  • Spice it up by adding some appropriate adjectives, 'terrible','unfair', 'wrong', ...
  • Add some 'guilt' and a hint of 'victimization'...
  • (Adding old problems intensifies the 'flavour'...)
  • Put aside for a while to rest and rise after adding some 'excuses' and 'blame'.
  • Take the 'mixture' and empty into a mould of your choice.
  • Bake in a hot oven of 'anger' and 'bitter memories' and serve hot or cold to your 'friends'.
  • It goes with tea or coffee and mainly with 'good' conversations about 'recipes' for other problems.
Bon appetite...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Τhe Power of Pure Motives

By renouncing the desire for name, fame and respect from others, all the fruits of your actions will come in front of you. When a task is based on truth and honesty, when its source is only your pure motives, then it is bound to succeed.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Worrying or caring...

Very often during the day 'Mrs. External Activity' distracts our attention and keeps us focused on the mistakes of others; we then keep trying to correct 'them'... 'for their own sake'... or for 'the sake of better cooperation'.

If only we just could turn within for 5 seconds and feel the disturbance of that worry in our hearts. (note: Miss Worry is the neglected daughter of Mrs External Activity)
Depending on our level of honesty we might find that this emotion is not really a caring one; pure feelings do not produce counterfeits and cannot cause upheaval.
Why is it that this effort to correct others brings upheaval...? What is the beneficial message that Miss Worry brings?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Purity - Equality - Quality

Where there is purity there is quality and equality.
The unity in the self and between souls is purity, which brings a special quality in every thought, word and action and also equality in our vision towards others.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

In Action... Part B

Looking for something Different...
Sometimes, even though we might have the best of  intentions and try to eliminate repetitive patterns of behaviour and bad habits through knowledge, discussion and self-observation... yet, they still remain.  We feel trapped and lose hope and even the will to try again...

And when the soul tries to experience pure feelings, its thoughts are so many and contradictory... they may be clever thoughts but there's always a cleverer one... the greed for more thoughts and information blocks the access of the soul to its original experience of the self...

This is the point when the soul has consumed all of its spiritual resources (purity, authenticity, enthusiasm) through thoughts, words and actions... What does this actually mean? It means that the soul doesn't have the power to emerge the experience of its own inner truth in a simple way… our thoughts fail to touch our heart.

...time for real Energy
And this is the right time to become empowered. The power- plant for the soul is the Supreme Source of conscious energy... the blueprint of  human consciousness. The Source keeps Its awareness eternally pure from forgetfulness of Its true identity.

By connecting to this Source a harmonious current enters the soul which not only energizes us but also liberates us from the repetitive patterns of wasteful thoughts and behaviours.

Tune in...'But how?'  Set your receiver and connect!
Souls have the ability to connect  to each other: they can communicate intentions, thoughts and feelings. Words and actions are just vehicles of these qualities; no matter what we say or do,  intentions and feelings cannot be hidden...
On this true, inner level I, the soul, am able to connect with the Source. I become the silent receiver of His state of being and characteristics.

In which frequency is He 'transmitting'?
... in the frequency of soul consciousness... He is the only being who stays eternally in the awareness of being a soul and of His original qualities... we forget because we identify ourselves with our roles and the physical forms around us.

The more often we remind ourselves that we are spiritual beings (traffic control) the more we resonate with the Supreme Soul's state of consciousness. Through inner loving attention a current of pure energy reaches the self. With this current it becomes easier to stabilize in a positive state because this energy creates permanent changes. 

Faraway so close...
Imagine two points of light: one here on earth, in time and matter, and the other beyond earth, in another world of silence and peace. When these two points connect through the power of thought and feeling there is union, which allows for a flow of energy and the experience of our true being. I, the soul, the point, am here and the Supreme Soul, also a point of light, is up there. However, love and remembrance bring such closeness that there is no feeling of distance or separation...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The power of sustenance

Creativity is a great power, but even greater is the power of sustenance. To be able to sustain what has been created we need many virtues. The most important of them are patience, tolerance and humility. These virtues will help us maintain newness of the spirit.